With a full moon and spring tides, Islander instructor (our
four week kayaking program) Madelyn Player and Orkila Alum, David Price,
embarked on a 40 mile circumnavigation of Orcas Island in one day. Here are photos from the morning and the
evening at camp. Great work you two!!!
May 31, 2013
May 29, 2013
Jordan Bright
10:36 AM
Above, 8th Graders from Blaine middle school get a feel for their kayaks with their instructors McKenzie Woolley and Paige May (not pictured). Below, another group of Blaine 8th graders start heading towards Pt. Doughty in their sea kayaks with instructors Jason Stedman and Teddi Hamel (not pictured). Schools attending our OEE program can choose from a variety of adventure programs like sea kayaking and hiking in Moran State Park or the Turtle Back Mountain Preserve.
May 22, 2013
Birds at Orkila!
11:06 AM
One of the best parts about being at Camp Orkila is getting to see all of the wildlife that live here. During the annual Mother's Day Family Camp this May, one family decided to keep a tally on all of the birds that they saw and the result was pretty amazing! Check out the long list of birds that they were able to identify:
Canada Goose
Surf Scoter
Glaucous-winged Gull
Brewer’s Blackbird
Red-winged Blackbird
Pileated Woodpecker
Pacific Slope Flycatcher
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Barn Swallow
Violet Green Swallow
American Robin
American Crow
Red-tailed Hawk
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Wilson’s Warbler
Black-throated Gray Warbler
Savannah Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow
Spotted Towhee
Song Sparrow
American Goldfinch
Pine Siskin
Purple Finch
Brown-headed Cowbird
Townsend’s Warbler
Orange-crowned Warbler
European Starling
Warbling Vireo
Common Yellowthroat
Turkey Vulture
Common Raven
Red Crossbill (?)
Western Woodpewee
Pigeon Guillemot
Common Loon
Harlequin Duck
Hutton’s Vireo
May 21, 2013
OSI Spotlight: Annika!
4:25 PM
The interns this summer are a fabulous group! Meet Annika! Who knows, maybe she'll be your counselor :)
Hey Annika! How long have you been coming to camp?
I've been coming to camp for 8 years, and this summer will be my ninth!
Wow that is amazing! What have you been up to this year since Orkila?
I've been really involved in the drama program at my school, and I'm currently in a student-directed production of Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog. I've also been doing some service work feeding the homeless at places like Operation Sack Lunch and Rainier Valley Food Bank. It's been pretty crazy, but I've had a lot of fun!
That all sounds great. What is your "hopie" for this summer?
My hopie for this summer is to experience even more of what camp has to offer and make lots of new friends/memories :)
Nice. Final question, do you have a favorite camp song?
Oooo yes! My favorite camp song is probably "Jet Plane," although it's tied with "The Blanket Song."
It looks like you are reenacting the song in your pic, you must really love it!
Thanks Annika, see you at Orkila!
Hey Annika! How long have you been coming to camp?
I've been coming to camp for 8 years, and this summer will be my ninth!
Wow that is amazing! What have you been up to this year since Orkila?
I've been really involved in the drama program at my school, and I'm currently in a student-directed production of Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog. I've also been doing some service work feeding the homeless at places like Operation Sack Lunch and Rainier Valley Food Bank. It's been pretty crazy, but I've had a lot of fun!
That all sounds great. What is your "hopie" for this summer?

Nice. Final question, do you have a favorite camp song?
Oooo yes! My favorite camp song is probably "Jet Plane," although it's tied with "The Blanket Song."
It looks like you are reenacting the song in your pic, you must really love it!
Thanks Annika, see you at Orkila!
May 14, 2013
Staff Spotlight: Emma!
5:44 PM
Counselors at Camp Orkila are the best, and one-of-a-kind! Meet Emma, counselor-extraordinaire. Who knows? Maybe she'll be your counselor!

This year has been wonderful! I'm just finishing up my freshman year at Western Washington University, and I actually, recently, just got accepted into my major; Early Childhood Education! WWU has been so great, I love it here - Also, from Belllingham Bay, you can see Orcas Island, sooo I always have a reminder of camp
Awesome and congratulations! We can't wait to see you at camp this summer Emma!

Thanks for letting us interview you Emma! Last year you were counselor for the Goode Glaciers, the youngest unit at camp. What was a highlight of your last summer at Orkila?
The highlight of my summer last year, was getting to know all of my campers, and creating so many new friendships with co-workers. SO many memories... Just experiencing Orkila, overall, made my summer - it's definitely a special place,and not to mention BEAUTIFUL.
We agree! There is no place quite like Orkila. What is one thing that you are looking forward to this summer?
Well, honestly I can't choose just one thing I'm excited for! I'm thrilled to go back, and see the friends I made from last summer- It's amazing how close you can grow with people in just 2 months... and of course make new friends! But, most of all, I am SO stoked to meet all my future campers! Also, words can't describe how excited I am for future campfires, and to watch Orcas Island sunsets every night - they are the cherry on top, after a day of camp.
Totally! Speaking of campfires, do you have a favorite camp song?
Mhmmm, It'd have to be a tie between Country Roads and Leaving On A Jet Plane. Whenever I hear country roads, outside of camp, it makes me super nostalgic, and oh so ready to go back!
Luckily Camp Orkila is a little over a month away for you! What have you been up to this year?
Awesome and congratulations! We can't wait to see you at camp this summer Emma!
May 8, 2013
This Is What Science Looks Like (Forest Class Edition)
Jordan Bright
10:56 AM
Above, OEE Instructor Liz Doane guides her class through our new forest investigation curriculum as her students formulate conclusions and reflect on their hypothesis. Below, several students conduct a soil compaction experiment and collect data on where water is absorbed the fasted in our forest. THIS IS WHAT SCIENCE LOOKS LIKE!
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