April 1, 2013

CIT Spotlight: Jacob Anderson!

After a competitive process, the 2013 Counselors In Training have been accepted! You may see CITs running around camp honing their teamwork skills, learning about camp, and maybe even being your counselor! Without question, the CITs have a ton of Orkila spirit. Meet Jacob Anderson!

Congratulations on your CIT Acceptance! What makes you keep coming back to Orkila?
Thanks! I have been going to camp for 4 years. The thing that makes me come back is the people and and the activities. The reason why the people make me come back is because we all get to know each other so well. And activities round out the camp experience.

That is awesome Jacob. Can you share a funny memory that you have of Orkila?
The funniest memory at camp is last year when a group of people were telling jokes on island trip!

Nice! Camp loves jokes. Rumor has it that you have a countdown to Orkila. Is it true? How many days til camp?
Yep! There are 92 days until the best summer of my life so far!

We can't wait to see you in 92 days Jacob!

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