Staff Spotlight Series was recently on an hisotrical tour of Bellingham, WA, learning about the Fraser Canyon Gold Rush of 1858. One could argue that a lot has happened since then. The real news on everyone's mind, however, is one of the town's newest and most prodigious members of the collegiate community, Julie Thompson. She graciously stepped away from her studies to answer a few questions for us.
Orkila: So Julie, you have been coming to camp for quite a few years, yes? Tell us about your progression over the years, won't you? What will you be doing this year?
JT: This summer will be my 8th summer coming to Orkila. As a camper I was a Turtleback for 3 years, then I was a LDI in 2008, a CIT in 2009, a OSI in 2010, and a Turtleback counselor last summer (2011). This summer I will be returning as a cabin counselor, unsure of my unit but I will be happy anywhere.
Orkila: Now, what have you been up to lately? Where are you right now!?
JT: This year I am a college freshman at Western Washington University in Bellingham, and I am loving it. I have been adjusting to life away from Seattle and taking many classes to figure out what possible majors I am interested in. I have been taking Spanish classes and I even traveled to Mexico in March, hoping to soon become fluent.
Orkila: Excelente. What’s your favorite part of camp? And what keeps you coming back?
JT: In reality I love everything about camp (the people, the place, the games, the songs, the atmosphere, the sunsets...) but if I had to choose one thing as a favorite part it would be the ability to make a positive difference in a camper's life. Being a role model for younger kids is such a rewarding aspect of being a counselor, it makes the summer completely worthwhile. I love working with kids and seeing them grow during their time at camp, and I am looking forward to seeing that again this summer.
Orkila: Why can’t you ride “my little red wagon”?
JT: The front wheel's broken and the axel's draggin'! (obvi)
Orkila: Thank you! How quickly one forgets. Te vemos en el verano. (We'll see you this summer.)
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