Orkila: Wow! It's so great to see you! What a nice coincidence. It seems like only yesterday when I saw you last. So, remind me, how long have you been at camp, as a camper and then a member of the staff team?
KM: It's probably safe to say I've got a history at camp. This will be my 12th summer. I've been in lots of the classic units, but I gotta give a shout out to my DeCosmo days and my participation on the one and only Orkila Surf Camp expedition. I spent two years as a cabin counselor, the past two years on teen staff as an LDI Instructor and Shaggy Mice leader, and I'll be doing some of the same this summer.
Orkila: Nice. And what are you doing while camp is not in session? What's up with you these days?
KM: Right now, I'm in my room in Portland, OR where I'm about to graduate from Lewis and Clark College. Eeeep. I'm also lucky enough to work at a kayak shop here in Portland called Next Adventure, which I love.
Orkila: Congrautlaions and we hope you have an awesome graduation! But first, what is your favorite thing about camp?
KM: My favorite part about camp is being able to share my love for things like paddling, the san juan islands, etc. with the youth I'm lucky enough to work with. This also happens to be what keeps me coming back.
Orkila: What a nice chat we've had Kira! I just have one more question. Why can't you ride "my little red wagon?" ... Kira? Hello? What... Where did she go? Maybe she CAN ride my little red wagon. Well, it's clear that our staff lead busy lives in the off-season. We'll all see Kira this summer and we can't wait. Woo!
If I am not mistaken Kira, wasn't I one of your counselors?! Perhaps in those fabled old DeCosmos days?! YAY small camp world!?